Friday 9 March 2007

The Number 23

When Jim Carrey is good, he is pretty good. In The Number 23, Jim Carrey is good. And it looked pretty.

And now for the cons...

It wanted to be clever but it wasn't clever. And if it was, I still wouldn't have liked it as it spends the last 45 hours chirping about how bloody clever the film was.

I mean, there are lines like "Did you see what colour his tie was? It was pink, that is red and white. Red and white adds up to 92. 92 divided by 4 is 23."

And that is the substance of the film. It was annoying.

I was praying for Jim Carrey to be run over by a bus just so that it would end.

I wanted to like it, but it sucked.

Should I give this film 2 or 3 out of 10? Oh 2 and 3 is 23. IT IS NOT CLEVER

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