Monday 19 March 2007


The cinema manager was pretty cool as there was a bit of a mix up and the film shouldn't have been advertised on their website - this advanced preview was a private showing for a magazine.

Nevertheless, we managed to get in, although with the mix up we missed the start, but I don't think that much was missed.

It's not like it was a plot driven film - Neill Cumpston, a contributor to aint it cool said it best "I can’t spoil the plot because THANK GOD THERE ISN’T ONE. Just ass kicking that kicks ass that, while said ass is getting kicked, is kicking yet more ass that’s hitting someone’s balls with a hammer made of ice but the ice is frozen whiskey."

He's pretty much got it spot on.

The film is about 300 Spartans battling the approaching Persian army (roughly totaling a million men). The film goes for it pretty much from the beginning, focusing on epic battles rather than plot.

Not that the is anything wrong with that - the battles were cool, and just got bigger and badder as it went on.

Where it all fell down though, was that the film had the style but it was missing the one thing that elevates such a film to greatness - heart.

I wasn't that bothered when one of the Spartans was killed, which I think I should have been, seeing as it was a film about 300 against a million.

I'll forgive the film for this though, as it got the spectacle bit right and it had a bit of a metal soundtrack (but with the now-obligatory Gladiator-style bits when it was a bit sad!).


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