Monday 26 February 2007

Hot Fuzz

It was very weird seeing Simon Pegg not playing a slacker, but he pulled it off. I thought that after the success of Shaun of the Dead, that the Pegg/Wright team would make a more International film, so it was a surprise to see an even more British film.

In a weird way, this reminds me of the Matrix - where there's loads of setup just so that the film can get to that bit in the script where Neo says, "Guns, we needs lots of guns." And then they walk into the lobby and all hell breaks loose.

This film is like that, except that the point where all hell breaks loose involves an old woman. And is hilarious.


I need to see this film again!

Cornetto? - 8/10

EDIT - I've see it again and it was even better!

El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth)

I was lucky enough to get to see my favourite film of 2006 on the big screen again last week.

Since then, it has won three well deserved Oscars.

This film is so brutal, and contains true horror and bizarre images and characters, and yet still retains an innocence and fragility.

It blew me away on first viewing and blew me away last Wednesday.

A masterpiece - 10/10

Monday 19 February 2007

notes on a scandal

So far this year I haven't seen many bad films, and this isn't one of them.

This is film about a lonely woman desperate for friendship and is creepy as hell.


Sunday 11 February 2007

Blood & Chocolate

I have seen scarier Always Ultra adverts.

What the hell were they thinking when they made this?

I mean, people turn into rainbows as they turn into wolves. What the hell is that about? It's like the SFX guy found a new filter on Microsoft Movie Maker and thought, "I know, lets make a zombie film. When the people turn into zombies, I've got this dead good rainbow effect for when they change." and his mate Darren says, "nah, that'll look crap, lets make a werewolf film."

And the rest is history.

As is two hours of my life.

3/10 - I'm being generous as an old school friend is in this film

Flushed Away

Aardman animation does it again, although it doesn't have the same soul as their claymation films, it still has the attention to detail and is bloody funny.

I don't think as many people went to see this as should have - so go see it. You'll love it and if you don't love the slugs then you deserve to be bitch slapped by a rat wearing an Elvis suit.
